Papers of Louise O. Wensel [manuscript], 1958-1993 (bulk 1958).


Papers of Louise O. Wensel [manuscript], 1958-1993 (bulk 1958).

Wensel's papers pertain entirely to her 1958 Senatorial campaign against Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr., and include correspondence, editorials, press releases speeches, and newspaper articles together with her own account of her candidacy "Virginia Candidate for the United States Senate in 1958: Defeating Harry Byrd's 'Massive Resistance' School-Closing Policy." Letters from friends and supporters discuss her platform, views on massive resistance, segregation and integrated schools, the Byrd organization, and campaign contributions and assistance. There is scattered correspondence of her campaign manager Richard Bain. Of interest is a letter from Charlottesville newspaper publisher Randolph L. White explaining that he gave her a mild endorsement because a stronger one would arouse a white protest vote against any candidate endorsed by a Negro paper. Post campaign material includes letters concerning Senator Curry Carter's harrassing suit against Wensel, the death of Joseph Freehill, and concerns for the safety of her children. Kathryn Stone's analysis of long term results of her campaign are briefly noted. There is also an article by Paul Dawson "Can a Doctor Afford to Be Controversial."

335 (ca.) items.

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